Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Week 7, Reading Dairy: China

China Fairy Tales - Story source: The Chinese Fairy Book, ed. by R. Wilhelm and translated by Frederick H. Martens (1921).

Why Dogs and Cats are Enemies -  This was a cute story. A dog and a cat lived with their owners. The owners had a lucky ring, but did not know and sold it. They soon became poor. The dog and cat set out to find the ring. They worked together to obtain the ring, and retrieved it. The cat held the ring on the trip home and beat the dog there. The owner praised the cat for the ring, but beat the dog for not helping. This is why dogs and cats are enemies.

The Miserly Farmer - I liked this story. I really liked that the farmer got what was coming to him. He refused to give a Bonze a pear although he has hundreds of them. Another person bought one for the Bonze and the Bonze took the pit and planted it and it instantly grew and produced many pears. The Bonze gave every one of the pears away. Afterwards he cut down the tree and walked away. The farmer, caught up in the wonder, turned around to see that all his pears were gone and the axle of the cart gone. He realized that he was tricked, that the Bonze had given away all his pears.

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