Sunday, February 7, 2016

Storybook Styles Brainstorm - Weather Gods

Topic – My storybook will be about the different weather gods. A few that I’m considering including are Thor from Norse mythology, Indra from Hindu, Tawhirimatea from Maori mythology, Thunderbird from Native America, Tlaloc from Aztec, and Iris from Greek mythology. I am looking into more goddesses as well, but it appears as though most weather deities are male. Who exactly I choose to be in my story will depend on which style I choose to go with. Most that I have looked into so far are thunder gods. However there are many other weather gods, including wind, rain, and like Iris, rainbows. So many it’s hard to narrow it down.

Bibliography – At the moment I only have links to the Wikipedia pages for each deity.

1. Thor – Norse god associated with thunder, lightning, storms, oak trees, strength, the protection of mankind, and also hallowing, healing and fertility.
2. Indra – the Hindu god of rain and thunderstorms.
3. Tawhirimatea - the Maori god of weather, including thunder and lightning, wind, clouds, and storms.
4. Thunderbird - a legendary creature in certain Native American history and culture. It is considered a supernatural bird of power and strength. Associated with thunder, lightning and rainfall.
5. Tlaloc – Aztec supreme god of the rains, he was by extension a god of fertility and water.
6. Iris - is the personification of the rainbow and messenger of the gods. She is also known as one of the goddesses of the sea and the sky.

Possible Styles

Weather festival - I thought this would be an interesting way to go. There could be a weather festival; the National Weather Center in Norman has a festival every year. I could have guest speakers and it could be the different weather gods telling a story about themselves.

Bedtime story during thunderstorm – I was thinking I could have a little kid at bedtime and they were frightened by the thunder and lightning. The kid’s mom or dad comes in and starts telling stories about the different thunder gods to help calm the kid.

Object as storyteller – Many of the weather gods throughout history have wielded some sort of weapon, most have a hammer or axe. I thought I could tell the stories from the weapon’s point of view.

BFF or SO as storyteller – I could tell the story from the point of view of someone close to the god such as a best friend or significant other.

Time Machine – I could do the story as someone who has a time machine and is traveling through time to meet with the different gods of weather. They could be someone who is doing a project for a presentation (think Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure). Actually I think that may be an interesting way to go, I need to rewatch that movie.

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