Entries from Earth's Diary
Dear Diary,
Today Phoebus Apollo, the sun god, has allowed his son, Phaethon, to drive his chariot. I overheard Phoebus Apollo tell his son that he might have one favor as proof that he truly is his father. The foolish boy insisted on driving the chariot. I can’t believe it. I heard his father warn him over and over how dangerous it is. The horses are difficult to control. Phoebus Apollo is clearly concerned. Phaethon is an idiot, but Phoebus Apollo can’t seem to say no to him. Why can’t he listen to his father? I’m afraid of what this will bring.
Dear Diary,
It is as I had feared. Phaethon is losing control. The horses are off course. They are running wild. Why, oh why, did Phoebus Apollo allow his son to take the reins? It was such a foolish move. I can see that chaos is about to come if he doesn’t regain control soon.
Dear Diary,
HELP! I AM ON FIRE! My mountains are burning! I can
feel the heat from the flames as they scorch the tops. It hurts so
badly! Make it stop! How do I stop the flames? They are spreading too
quickly. The heat is so intense that there is no moisture left to rain.
It’s so hot, too hot.
Dear Diary,
am the victim of a foolish child’s stubbornness. Someone needs to stop
Phaethon. He is ruining everything. My beautiful land, it is burning.
The pain is becoming unbearable. I don’t know if I can take this heat
for much longer. Please make it stop.
Dear Diary,
didn’t think it could get any worse, but it has. My lovely trees have
lost all their green leaves. Nothing is left. All has been turned to
ash. My beautiful meadows with flowers of red and violet are all gone.
The cities where all my people live are being consumed by the flames.
Both animals and people alike are burning, dying. Whatever should I do?
How do I make it stop? I am extremely sad and in great pain. I just want
it to end.
Dear Diary,
Grief is consuming me. I am saddened at the loss of my plants and animals. I tried so hard to keep them safe, but there is nothing I can do. The flames are out of control.
Dear Diary,
What did I do to deserve this punishment? The pain is more than I can bear. My rivers and lakes are drying up. My trees and flowers have been turned to ash. I thought I was doing well with my service to the gods. Why do the gods allow this punishment to continue?
Dear Diary,
Oh Jupiter, king of the gods, if I have deserved this, why delay your lightning bolts? Is it right for me to die through the power of fire? If so, let me die by your fire and let the one who caused it lessen the pain! I have offered my fruitfulness and service for your gardens and grazing for your flocks. This is what I receive in return? I do not understand what I have done to receive such torture.
Dear Diary,
Now the waters have been diminished. My poles are steaming. Soon they will melt and if they do the God’s own palace will fall. Poor Atlas, he is suffering as well. The sky is too hot and difficult for him to hold up. Please, king of the gods, have mercy on me. Save what is left before all is lost.
Dear Diary,
My prayers have been answered! Jupiter himself has struck Phaethon from the sky with his powerful lightning bolt. Just when I thought all hope was lost. Sadly Phaethon is dead now. I do hope lessons have been learned and Phoebus Apollo will no longer allow anyone to take over the chariot reins. But now I can begin to heal. I thank you Jupiter for your mercy.
Dear Dairy,
Once again I am happy. The torture of the flames is subsiding. I have endured the pain for so long. My forests and meadows are beginning to recover. The rains have returned and my life is no longer threatened. I feel so relieved.
Author's note: I took this story from Ovid's Metamorphoses, Phaethon's Ride. I liked the idea of expressing the anguish of the earth as she burned. I thought that the earth recording the events as diary entries would be an interesting spin on the story.
Bibliography: Ovid's Metamorphoses:
Phaethon's Ride, translated by Tony Kline